I will always hold those 2 years in Aberdeen as some of the happiest times in my life. It was the first time we had left home, and found freedom, staying out dancing, drinking in the Pittodrie pub and cruising around in Pat’s car singing our heads off. We skived off lessons to eat butteries and drink endless cups of tea in the canteen, all because we were too lazy to climb the 7 flights of stairs to Mr Baal’s economics.
Kenny was the nicest and funniest boy, he and Morris were the only 2 guys in our gang and the laughs we had. I always remember him hogging Denise’s hole punch and how he would get annoyed if we had it and passed it around us, giving him it last. I will remember him for his love of Madonna, and those grey Wham shoes.
He really did go on to a career in travel and tourism and a very successful one, i think he and Pat were the only 2 of us that ended up in the travel industry.
His sense of humour, kindness, love of pop music and love of life i will always remember. We had a zoom call during covid, 3 way with Pat and how we laughed! It was as if it was 1984-1986 again and we were just the same young naive kids.
I will miss you, I’m sorry that i never made it up to Glasgow for out night out. You were amazing and im so sad that I won’t get to chat or see you again. Rest in peace you lovely man. Much love Pauline xxx